Sustainable investing

MuniFin’s ultimate objective is to embed sustainability across all its business areas. Treasury has further set concrete sustainability targets for its liquidity portfolio management which are summarized in our Sustainable Investment Framework.

MuniFin’s investment policy approves only fixed income investments that are principally issued by financial institutions, sovereigns and sovereign agencies from OECD countries. This, in our opinion, reduces major sustainability risks in the portfolio, as the OECD supports the United Nations in ensuring the success of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

MuniFin promotes its objectives in sustainable investing by applying the following three operational principles:

  1. Investment /Issuer selection, exclusion and controversy monitoring.
  2. Applying issuer-level ESG management to the portfolio management process covering the entire portfolio.
  3. Thematic investing in sustainable assets that generate direct environmental and social impacts globally. 

Each of these principles adds its own value and the combination of them constitutes a holistic approach, which helps us to meet our sustainability goals. 

Read our Sustainable Investment Framework here.